Concerto/Aria Competition Guidelines
Time and Place
Concerto/Aria Competition will be held on Saturday, November 16th from 10-1 p.m. in Deane Chapel. Competitors are expected to be available to perform anytime during the three hour period.
The competition is open to all Westmont College students currently enrolled in applied lessons. Students must consult with their applied teachers and must have the permission of their applied teachers to enter in the competition. Students who have not performed with the orchestra in the previous year will be given preferred consideration for selection. Students should complete the online application form by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 1st, 2024. Private teachers should send an email to Dr. Lin confirming their approval of the student application for competition. Concertos that involve multiple performers require the approval emails from all relevant teachers.
Dr. Lin will send out an email with a schedule for the competition on November 6th.
Performers should select a concerto or aria written for solo instruments or voice(s) with orchestral accompaniment, approved by their applied teacher. Competition and performance time is limited to 15 minutes. Students may choose to perform either the entire work or selected movement(s) for the competition. Longer works may be considered on an individual basis. There is no memorization requirement though individual applied teachers may require memorization at their own discretion and it may be a factor in the decision making. Please note that a winner may be asked to perform a different piece based upon factors such as availability of the performing materials and the instrumentation of the orchestra. Soloists are responsible for bringing five copies of the condensed piano score to the competition for the judges. (photocopies are acceptable) Judges may choose to hear all or any part of the piece.
As a part of the competition, cuts may be made in the accompaniment, but not the solo portion.
Composers need to submit an mp3 file of their work with appropriate digital orchestration.
Soloists are required to have appropriate accompaniment for the competition. Please contact the music office ( should you have any questions regarding accompanists. Soloists can arrange for student or staff accompanists. If you need the services of an accompanist beyond what the Department has assigned to you or can provide, you may inquire with one of professional accompanists on the piano accompanists page regarding what they will charge you to provide the services you need.
Four judges will be selected on the basis of musical credentials as well as the potential to render an unbiased decision. The judges may designate as many as 5 winners. Comment sheets for all soloists will be made available after the competition upon request.
The winner(s) of the Concerto/Aria competition will perform in concert with the Westmont Orchestra on Friday, February 21st, in Hahn Hall at the Music Academy at 7 p.m. and Sunday, February 23rd, in Page MPR at 3 p.m, as part of the Westmont Orchestra Spring Concerts. Soloist(s) must be available for rehearsals with the orchestra on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Soloist(s) are also expected to continue enrollment in applied lessons in the spring semester and work closely with their applied teacher in preparation for their performance.